SunCommon Unveils New Community Solar Array in Kingston


The ribbon has been cut on the newest SunCommon community solar array hosted by the Pointe of Praise Family Life Center in Kingston. The sun was shining brightly for this joyous occasion as about 30 array members, organizations, and local officials celebrated the project’s official energizing alongside SunCommon employees.

This 485.1 kWp community solar array will help power approximately 60 homes in the area with locally generated, clean energy. Anyone who has Central Hudson as their utility provider can join the project by purchasing panels in the communal array. The utility company digitally monitors the array’s energy production and then adds solar credits onto the array members’ utility bills. Because the solar panels are offsite, this is a great solution for people who cannot install solar panels where they live.

Kingston Mayor Steve Noble who was present for the ribbon cutting ceremony noted “Folks may not know, but over 50% of the people who live in Kingston are renters. Community solar is a way for renters to lock in and reduce their utility rates over time and do it in a renewable way.”

Pointe of Praise CSA Solar Array
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Pointe of Praise CSA Solar Array

Reverend Childs, reverend from the Pointe of Praise Family Life Center, also noted increasing access to solar was an important draw to the project for him and the center. “We were very concerned that most low moderate income people were not able to take advantage of solar. If you didn’t have a house, you didn’t have solar, and we felt we wanted to see people who are in apartments, people who are poor and who really need to have this, to be able to have it. So this project was ideal for us.”

Reverend Childs made the project even more impactful by donating solar panels to seniors in the church. He said, “We’ve given about 75% of our solar panels to our seniors. They’re going to be getting solar for free.” This generous donation means the project is broadening access to solar even more. He noted, “We are really grateful for this because it’s going to provide an opportunity for people who would otherwise not be able to do this to have solar.”

Only 35% of the array’s panels are still available for purchase. Folks who are interested in becoming members of the array can get in touch with SunCommon for more information.

Here’s How Community Solar Works

Members of a CSA use solar credits produced by that array to reduce or eliminate their utility bill. The only requirement to become a member of a Community Solar Array is that you must live within the same utility load zone as the array. Since most utility load zones span counties, towns, and zip codes, our Solar Advisors can help determine which array you would belong to.

Ask if joining a CSA is right for you


Want to learn more about how Community Solar works?

For information on how community solar works in general, you can visit our Community Solar page by clicking on the button below. There you will find helpful information on how to become a CSA member, how CSAs actually work, and more. If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact us directly.


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