Pairing Solar with Battery Storage Means Energy Security.
At SunCommon, we believe that everyone has the right to a healthy environment and a brighter future – and renewable energy is where it starts. Energy from the sun can power every aspect of our lives – and now we can even store that power as a back-up, and take even more control of where our energy comes from.
When we combine solar power and energy storage, we can power with sunshine during the day and through the night – building a more reliable, resilient energy system for our state. Homes with solar and storage enjoy the reliability of backup power and support a more reliable and efficient grid for their community. When storms hit and the power goes out, your solar and battery work together to keep the essentials of your home running. No more filling the bathtub (and every pot and pan) with water. No more worrying about your pipes freezing – or needing to get to a hotel as the temperatures drop. No more cleaning out a fridge-ful of spoiled food.