Solar Advisor

Our Solar Advisors are the first set of eyes on your roofline. They'll check out your home and make sure you're set up with a Solar Home Advisor to get you on the path to solar! They make our process smooth and easy for anyone to go solar.

Sean grew up in northern Vermont and graduated from St. Lawrence University in 2016 with a B.A. in English Literature. After graduating, he spent time teaching English in South East Asia and travelling the Western United States. Upon returning to Vermont after his travels he has worked for a variety of Vermont companies working to make a difference in our small but mighty state. While he’s always been passionate about the outdoors and environmentalism, Sean is excited to be working with SunCommon to tackle the climate crisis and support Vermonters on their solar ownership journey. While not at work, Sean is usually swimming in Lake Champlain or hiking deep in the mountains.

Get Started

We’re here to help you find your solar solution, whether that be solar at home, at your small business, or on a larger commercial structure. Click the button to get started. Thank you!
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