What's the Story - Farms

Farmers everywhere are saving money and reducing their footprint by switching to solar. We hear time and time again that solar power for farms just makes sense: the sun fuels everything else on the farm, so why not the electricity, too? We spoke with farmers in Vermont and New York about how solar works for them — check out what they have to say!

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Choiniere Family Farm


Choiniere Family Farm

With 80 cows, the Choiniere Family Farm is a certified Organic, all-grass-based dairy farm that’s been in the family for 4 generations. In 2021, they took advantage of Organic Valley’s program to help its co-op member farmers save money by going solar with zero upfront costs. SunCommon put solar panels on two existing buildings on their 500-acre property in Highgate, VT, which should save them more than $20,000 annually. Learn more about the Choiniere Family Farm here.

“Having those solar panels on the roof is exciting for us because it increases the productivity of that particular building that was losing value because it was built so long ago, and we now have 100-and-some-odd solar panels. That brings the value of that building up considerably.”

– Guy Choiniere


Laughing Earth Farm

Laughing Earth Farm has been an active farm for over 200 years and is protected by an easement to be Farmland Forever. The incredible stewards of this land, Zack and Annie, incorporate regeneration into every step of their business and say they are “eager to grow connections within our human community, and to create a family made up of others who are concerned about the impact our species has upon this earth.” They went solar with SunCommon in 2021. Learn more about Laughing Earth Farm here.

Laughing Earth Farm
Laughing Earth Farm


Laughing Earth Farm

Laughing Earth Farm has been an active farm for over 200 years and is protected by an easement to be Farmland Forever. The incredible stewards of this land, Zack and Annie, incorporate regeneration into every step of their business and say they are “eager to grow connections within our human community, and to create a family made up of others who are concerned about the impact our species has upon this earth.” They went solar with SunCommon in 2021. Learn more about Laughing Earth Farm here.

“All our crops are fed by the sun. All our animals eat grains and grass that are fed by the sun. Getting solar was a no-brainer.”

– Zack

Footprint Farm


Footprint Farm

Jake and Taylor started Footprint Farm in 2013 to bring organic produce to their communities while reducing their carbon footprint. SunCommon installed 52 solar panels on their newly built home to cover the electricity usage for themselves AND their entire CSA farming operation. Learn more about Footprint Farm here.

“Economically, Suncommon was able to make it work for us. Repayment of our loan is going to be cheaper per month than our electricity use is right now.”

– Jake & Taylor

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