Aligned Missions: SunCommon and Kismet Place

Aligned Missions: SunCommon and Kismet Place

SunCommon and Kismet Place: Solar in Williston, VT

Built with Solar in Mind

Kismet Place is a health- and wellness-oriented business park in Williston, Vermont. The owner, Sharon Gutwin, is thoughtful about choosing her tenants and business partners. We asked her about her decision to go solar.

When building Kismet, what inspired you to incorporate clean energy?

“The truth is, solar will not only pay back in financial rewards to you and your business, but it will pay back to our environment for years to come, if not decades to come.”

Commercial Solar Williston
Sharon Gutwin with her new solar array.
solar business park Kismet Place suncommon

Why did you choose to work with SunCommon?

Al Levy [SunCommon’s Commercial Solar Advisor] came here representing the mission, not just SunCommon. He’s representing what SunCommon is all about. It’s not the sale of solar panels (which was an easy sale to me) it is the sale of “What can we do to help the Earth?”

Kismet’s solar array is 49 kW – that’s 140 panels!

The environmental benefit is no small thing either. Annually, the array will offset 60.3 metric tons of CO2, equivalent to planting 1 acre of pine trees or the annual power consumed by 8 average homes.

Can solar work for you?
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Where should we send your results?
We have our team of advisors looking at your address to figure out if solar will work for you. Please provide your information below so that we can contact you and give you the results of our solar check.
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Someone will be in touch shortly. If you would like to expedite the process of going solar, and get scheduled for a home visit, please click here to provide additional information about your home.

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