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Valve Turners – CAFF 2020 Selection

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On October 11, 2016, in solidarity with Standing Rock and in response to the climate emergency we are facing, a team of activists took direct action shutting off the 5 pipelines carrying tar sands oil from Alberta, Canada into the United States. Approximately 2.8 million barrels of crude oil (15% of daily U.S. consumption) was disrupted, leading Reuters to call it, “the biggest coordinated move on U.S. energy infrastructure ever undertaken by environmental protesters.”

About the filmmaker

The climate emergency and our response to it are Steve’s primary focus as a documentary filmmaker and photographer. In 2016, he co-directed, produced and edited ‘DIVEST!’, a feature-length concert film that chronicles the origins of the fossil fuel divestment movement. He contributed cinematography and editing to the award-winning HBO documentary ‘How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change’ which premiered at Sundance 2016. From the campaign to stop the Keystone XL pipeline to the Valve Turners direct action, his work has centered around movement-building and keeping fossil fuels in the ground. Earlier in his career, Steve was a biologist in the Gulf coast region working on research and conservation of coastal bird populations. He holds an M.S. in Environmental Policy from Bard College and a B.A. in Environmental Studies from Prescott College.

The mission of the Climate Action Film Festival is to bring together stories and filmmakers from around the globe to address the climate crisis.

The first annual Climate Action Film Festival premiered in February 2020. CAFF is a celebration of short films with a focus on solutions to the climate crisis. These times require collective action. Our goal is to promote diverse solutions and unite our efforts in pursuit of a common goal.

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