Solar Site Evaluator/Solar Designer

Our Solar Designers each have college degrees and special training in the design of solar systems. They’ll use an aerial image of your place in addition to the information you provide to design the just the right solar system for you.

Michael originally hails from Minnesota and North Dakota but has been living in central Vermont since he moved from Montana in 2002. His prior work experience is in masonry and carpentry, and he has specialized in the construction of masonry heaters for fifteen years. Michael enjoys remodeling his home, learning woodworking, and taking bicycle rides with his family. His blended family includes three boys, ages 16, 8, and 4, all living in the household. Michael also spends his time reading classic literature, listening to an eclectic range of music, and enjoying good food, good beer, and craft gin.

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We’re here to help you find your solar solution, whether that be solar at home, at your small business, or on a larger commercial structure. Click the button to get started. Thank you!
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