Solar Designer

Our Solar Designers each have college degrees and special training in the design of solar systems. They’ll use an aerial image of your place in addition to the information you provide to design the just the right solar system for you.

From an early age, Annie was acutely aware of environmental degradation and passionate about increasing sustainable practices in her communities. During her time at Bates College, she conducted research on the impact of the local agriculture movement in Maine, taught gardening and nutrition classes for community members, and spent a semester studying sustainability and renewable energy in Copenhagen. After completing her B.A. in Environmental Studies, Annie conducted solar policy research for a small renewable energy group in Portland, Maine. She is thrilled to join SunCommon and to continue to work towards a renewable energy future in New England. Annie loves the Green Mountain State and in her free time you can find her exploring its hiking trails, water holes, farm stands, and ski slopes.

Get Started

We’re here to help you find your solar solution, whether that be solar at home, at your small business, or on a larger commercial structure. Click the button to get started. Thank you!
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